<Ayushman Laser Stone | Urology Clinic Hospital in Jalandhar | Punjab

Emergency Cases


9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Dr. Tanmaya Goel


We often hear people saying Doctors are next to God. They hold this rapport for the services they render to the ailing person who has almost lost the hope of existence and survival. A kidney specialist doctor in Jalandhar, Doctor Tanmaya Goel, fits perfectly well into this picture of a person who renders his services for flourishing life with hope and happiness in the hearts that fear their existence due to the ailments they are going through. Nothing can better describe him than the following lines Good doctors understand responsibility better than privilege and practice accountability better than business. The purpose of a doctor or any human, in general, should not be to delay the death of a patient but to increase the person’s quality of life.

Dr. Tanmaya Goel is alumni of King George Medical College, Lucknow from, where he completed his MBBS and MS. He has his count in one amongst the few doctors in Indian Medical history who attain Master of Chirurgical, MCh. He is a specialist in the field of urology and the best doctor you can get for kidney problems. Apart from having experience and skill in his field of medical inspection, he is a doctor who has an ear for his patient’s talks and a heart that can relate with people.


Happy Patients





Doctor Profile

Awards Extra Curricular

Memberhips Previous Training In Urology Honors & Awards Extra Curricular Achievements Publications And Presentations

Urological society of India Membership Number -G106-Life Member

Punjab Medical CouncilFull Registration -38121

Member- Indian Medical Association

Life Member of the North Zone Chapter Of Urological Society in India

Member of ISOT-Indian Society of Organ Transplant

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