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Urethral Stricture (Obstruction)

Urethral Stricture has a high ability to affect men as in comparison to females and infants. Men have a longer urethra, which increases the chances of stricture more in men than in females. Narrowing of urethra or stricture can affect anywhere from the bladder to the tip of the penis. A posterior urethral stricture occurs due to injury or accident wherein ureter gets completely separated or cut, restricting the urinal passage. Symptoms of a stricture include affecting the flow of the urine. It causes severe abdominal pain, swelling of the penis, and uncomfortableness that needs the person to visit a urologist. Doctors diagnose the extent and nature of ureter obstruction, making use of Urethroscopy, urethral imaging, and retrograde urethrogram. Urethroscopy involves placing a small visual device into the urethra and pushing it to move till stricture, which gives a complete idea about the problem to the doctor. Retrograde Urethogram makes use of contrast dyes to study the position, length, and severity of stricture. Treatment procedures include dilation, urethrotomy, open surgery. In all the treatment procedures attempt is to widen the stricture through different measures so that blockage does not hinder urinary passage. Goel Kidney care has all types of treatment procedures, helping you to overcome any of the kidney problems.

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Penile Reconstructive (Hypospadias)

Penile reconstructive surgery is the one that has aesthetic, psychological , emotional, and physical attributes associated with it. The penile reconstructive surgery where brings in the treatment for the problems of penile trauma, penile cancer, also makes it possible for people to reassign their gender, attain the penile size as per their preference. The penile reconstructive surgery needs to be comprehensive, satisfying the biological and psychological needs and requirements of the patient so that he can lead a balanced life. The goal of the surgery remains to create and restore functional phallus resembling and functioning as the biological. Goel Kidney care is a comprehensive unit for all kinds of male-female kidney problems acquired or inborn. The team of expert medical staff ensures your safety and privacy


Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF)

Vesicovaginal Fistula is an extension of the fistulous tract between the bladder and vagina, causing the involuntary discharge of urine into vagina vault. It can lead to problems that may not be biologically disturbing but have an impact on the social and emotional balance of a person. Diagnosis by a doctor is essentiality, and treatment a necessity. Reasons for the tissue damage are childbirth, abdominal surgery, pelvic cancer, radiation, to name a few. Doctors diagnose the presence of a fistula, making use of different techniques and methods like Cystoscopy, Dye test, fistulogram, CT urogram, Pelvic MRI. Many of the fistulae heal with time, while others need medical attention. Doctors may recommend inserting a catheter or seals made of natural proteins to seal the fistula. Surgeries are the last opt for as a remedy for VVF.

If you are suffering from any congenital or acquired penile deformity, please do not hesitate to contact our doctors at Goel Kidney Care for consultation, evaluation, and proper treatment.

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